After dinner, we played a rousing game of BAD Girl Jeopardy. And I must say, Lindsay really kicked butt. But everyone won nail polish just for playing. Here's Becky next to the game board she created. And as you can tell from the photo, she is giddy with excitement.
But before we played Jeopardy, we enjoyed the long awaited revealing of the gender of Lindsay's baby! What will it be, what will it be? Off comes the coat and we see BLUE! A BOY! This is very exciting. However, I will mention that Lindsay actually had doubts that we would be able to tell the gender based on this dessert. Fortunately, we were not that dumb.
After Jeopardy, we did a book exchange, dirty Santa style. At least, I think that's what it's called when you can steal presents away from a person. Here, Dara tries to decide which book to open since she has the first turn. Poor Dara had to do this many times, as we kept stealing books away from her.
See! There's mean old Stephanie swiping a book right from Dara's hands. Mean, I say! And she's even smiling as she takes it. Has the girl no heart?
Dara, with one of the many books she opened. And no, she didn't end up with this one either.
Lindsay opens a gift from Rachel. It's a personalized ornament of a girl holding a stack of books. How fitting! We each got one that looks like us. And near her leg is a box of beautiful cards from Stephanie.
Dara and Rachel open BAD Girl tees from Becky. They say, "I'd rather be reading." That is almost always the case. Almost.
Rachel is sure going to look cute in her new shirt. That is, until that belly of hers gets too large for it to fit, which may not be too far in the future!
It sure is good to be a BAD Girl.
I sure is good! What great pictures to capture the great night!
Thanks for posting the pictures, Becky! And I like the commentary about each one! I LOVE being a BAD Girl!
Thanks, Becky - it was fun reliving that night! Hurry up, Wednesday!
Very fun!!! Love the pictures! Thanks for the entertaining comments. What fabulous night! Can't wait until next week... and also can't wait until this year's BAD Girls Christmas party!!! So much fun!
(Let me try this again.)
Hmmmm... sounds like I may just have to make a trip home for the next Christmas party. I missed out on some awesome fun!!
Again, thank you all so much for my wonderful package of goodies in the mail! I am so thankful for the blessing of your friendships!
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