Friday, January 18, 2008

Finished The Book Thief

I finally finished The Book Thief and I LOVED it!! It was excellent!! I would give it a rating of 10, hands down. It actually took me a while to get into the story, but once I did, I never wanted to put the book down. However, moving again & starting the kids in a new school put my reading on hold for a while. So, I was so happy to finish the book this morning! The one thing I wished about the book was to learn more about Liesel's adult life... who she married & how they met, what her & Max's relationship was like as they got older... or if they even continued to keep in touch, etc. When I get so involved in characters, such as Liesel, I don't want the story to end. I want to know the rest of her life story. But, that didn't take away from my love of the book at all. It would have just added greatly to it.

Becky, this was an excellent pick!! How did you find it/hear about it?

Now, on to Water for Elephants. It is waiting for me on my bedside table.

Also, I am ordering Joshua today & I sure hope I receive it soon! Keep your fingers crossed...


Unknown said...

Wow- I am so glad you liked it! When we discussed it, we mentioned that we thought the overly metaphorical wording he uses sometimes might turn you off.

But it is an amazing story, I agree- and I got caught up in the characters' lives as well. I hated to see it end. We also talked about how we wished he had developed her adult story further.

I can't remember exactly how I found it but I think I was just browsing amazon looking for highly rated books. I saw it, read the summary and thought it sounded great. It's marketed toward young adults, but I think it's plenty mature for adults to read, as many of the reviewers mentioned.

When I realized it had to do with the Holocaust, I almost passed it over since we have already read so many books with that kind of subject. But we all thought seeing that event from the point of view of the regular German citizens was a different and eye-opening experience.

Amberly said...

I agree, Becky, that reading about WWII from a different perspective was very interesting! Great writing!

I just ordered Joshua & the expected arrival date is mid-February. I sure hope this one doesn't get lost & arrives sooner, though!