Friday, July 03, 2009

15 Books

Here is a list my mother-in-law saw making the rounds on Facebook and thought I would enjoy. I think it would be fun to hear all of your answers too. But you have to follow directions. Promise? I mean it. No cheating!

OK, I am trying to write it from memory so it won't be exact, but here goes.

List 15 books that are unforgettable to you. They can be from any time of your life, just the first 15 that come to mind. Do not think too hard about this. In fact, don't take more than 5 minutes to make your list! These are 15 books that have made an impact on you in some way and are memorable to you. It works better if you do not read any other person's answers first, so do not scroll down and look at my answers...head straight to the comments and make your own list first. GO!

1. Beloved by Morrison
2. Life of Pi by Martel
3. Pride and Prejudice by Austen
4. The Shack by Young
5. 1000 Splendid Suns by Hosseini
6. Left to Tell by Ilibagiza
7. Night by Wiesel
8. Little House on the Prairie Series by Wilder
9. Little Women by Alcott
10. The Pursuit of God by Tozer
11. Living with Less by Tabb
12. Screwtape Letters by Lewis
13. Light in the Attic by Silverstein
14. The Monster at the End of This Book (Sesame Street)
15. A Voice in the Wind by Rivers

A lot of my list ended up being religious books which surprises me. Although, I think this list could come out slightly different depending on what time of day you do it and where your thoughts might be. These are not all the best books I have ever read (some are), but all have impacted me and were very memorable.


Unknown said...

1. To Kill a Mockingbird
2. The God of Small Things
3. Anne of Green Gables
4. The Problem of Pain
5. Pride and Prejudice
6. Night
7. The Irresistible Revolution
8. The Chronicles of Narnia
9. One Hundred Years of Solitude
10. Love Medicine
11. Little Women
12. Life of Pi
13. The Shadow of the Wind
14. Cry the Beloved Country
15. Harry Potter (all of them)

Unknown said...

I followed the rules, Becky, but you and I had a few in common. I couldn't remember all of the authors (despite the fact that they were memorable books) so I just didn't list any for the sake of time. Fun!

Unknown said...

Rachel- I made my list first then went back and filled in authors, just in case someone wanted to look up a book i thought it might help. i didn't recall all of the authors without help from amazon. i love your list. there are books i think- why didn't i put that on my list! but, that is bound to happen. also there is one on your list i have never even heard of so now i plan to look it up since it obviously impacted you and is probably good.

Stephanie said...

1. Go Dog Go
2. The Secret Garden
3. To Kill a Mockingbird
4. The Bible
5. Tale of Two Cities
6. Agony & Ecstasy
7. Sense & Sensibility
8. Pride & Prejudice
9. The Shadow of the Wind
10. Voice in the Wind
11. I Capture the Castle
12. The Thirteenth Tale
13. Same Kind of Different as Me
14. Irrisistible Revolution
15. Harry Potter

Unknown said...

Ahhh.the Bible...good one, Steph! :)

Lindsay said...

1)So Stick a Geranium in your Hat and Be Happy (I know weird, but it struck a chord with me for some reason - not even sure why I read it)
2) Bible
3)To Kill a Mockingbird
4) Harry Potter, of course
5) Mitford series
6) Time Travelers Wife
7) The Irresistable Revolution
8) Rebecca
9) A Time to Kill
10) Divinci Code
11) Babysitters Club (I really do remember - Good bye Stacy Good Bye) :) She did come back though!
12) Jane Erye
13) Book Thief
14) Five People you Meet in Heaven
15) Redeeming Love!!

Lindsay said...

I did follow the rules except I saw Rachel's last comment to Steph - so since I saw Bible I thought I better put that on there b/c it is true. I wonder if I would have thought of it. Maybe so, maybe not. There were many books on your lists that I was like oh man, I forgot about that one! Very fun!

Dara said...

Ok, here goes! I am trying really hard not to look at anyone else's lists:
1. The Hobbit
2. A Wrinkle in Time
3. This Present Darkness
4. Little Women
5. Thirteenth Tale
6. Time Traveler's Wife
7. Canterbury Tales
8. The Scarlet Letter
9. The Bible
10. Shadow of the Wind
11. His Favorite Wife
12. Left to Tell
13. The Other Boleyn Girl
13. Jane Eyre
14. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan
15. Diary of Anne Frank

Dara said...

It was hard narrowing it to 15... I kept going back and changing them. I could have done a much longer list. Oh well. There are so many truly memorable books, books that just stay with me always.