Monday, December 23, 2019

Not Counting Women and Children

Author: Megan McKenna

One-sentence summary: McKenna dives into several stories from the Bible to show how those not mentioned (usually women, children, etc) are actually integral to Jesus’s ministry and message.

B.A.D. Girls Book Rating: 5

Our favorite thing about it: There were several things she brought up about some stories that we had never thought about before.

Our least favorite thing about it: That it was very repetitive after the first story.

Main Topics of Discussion: Women, Jesus, Abortion, Writing Style, Poor

Our favorite quote: “Although individuals might make it out of poverty, groups, races, and peoples don’t.”

Notes: Well, this book wasn’t quite what we thought it would be. There were some good insights into the stories that were new to us, but the main message (taking care of the poor/outcasts in society IS the gospel) was not new to us, and the constant repetition of that message got really old, really fast. As in, right after the first story. Here are some of our thoughts:

1. The first chapter was good because the message was fresh. Every single chapter after that was more of the same. We skimmed a lot.

2. Sometimes the author would “speak” for God/Jesus and it sounded really definitive – like there could be no other way to see it. We didn’t love that for a reading of the Bible.

3. One point the author made about the Exodus story was actually interesting to us. We had never thought to ask what the men (who were not mentioned – which is telling because they usually are) were doing when the midwives refused to kill the baby boys. Were the men helping the midwives in their own ways? Were they killing the boys or not wanting to go against Egypt? We don’t know, obviously, but it IS an interesting question.

Memorable Meeting Moments: This was Lindsay’s meeting and she took us to Burger Island for dinner. We met back at Dara’s house for the rest of our meeting and dessert from Rachel. We also exchanged gifts (this was "candle year") and played our Jeopardy game. Dara got all the "quotes" questions correct!

What We Ate: Fried Pickles, Green Beans, Burgers! And Reese’s Poke Cake for dessert.

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