Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Listen for the Lie

Author: Amy Tintera

Who Picked the Book: Christina

One-sentence summary: A woman who returns home to unravel a murder she might have been guilty of by attempting to regain her memories. 

B.A.D. Girls Book Rating: 7

Our favorite thing about it: We liked the podcast aspect of the book. 

Our least favorite thing about it: The characters. 

Main Topics of Discussion: Characters, True Crime Podcasts, Family, Memory Loss, Mystery tropes

Our favorite quote: “Some people will never believe you no matter how hard you explain yourself. Trust me, there's no pleasing people. If they're determined to think the worst of you, they will.”

Notes: Overall we enjoyed reading this mystery. We thought the story was mostly good and it kept us interested. Some of us thought it lagged a little in the middle and that the short romance between Lucy and Ben helped pick it up a bit. And then some of us could have done without that story line altogether! Almost unanimously we hated all the characters. Even the main character. And that makes it hard to really love a story. Even the grandmother was just a little to spunky and perfect - not well rounded. She was predictable as a character. Ben was the closest character we came to liking and he was kind of vanilla and boring. We did like the podcast angle to the story. And those that listened liked that you could tell when that part was being read. Most of us felt that the "kill, kill" refrain in Lucy's head was annoying and silly. We felt it could have completly been left out and the book would have been better for it. And as with all murder mysteries, there were a few times that coincidences almost messed with the integrity of the story, but we mostly just let that go for the sake of the reading experience. In summary, we liked it, enjoyed reading it, but it didn't blow most of us away. 

Memorable Meeting Moments: We swam at Christina's house. 

What We Ate: Chicken Salad Croissant Sandwiches, Fruit, Veggies, Baked Brie, Salad, and various delightful sweet treats served charcuterie-style.

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