Thursday, August 16, 2007

Close Encounter...Almost

Hey girls - I wanted to let you know that while we were in Africa - at the game reserve in Botswana - I almost met one of our authors! Alexander McCall Smith, who is (as you know) the author of the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency books, was at the camp the day before we arrived. You may remember that the books take place in Botswana and he was apparently doing some research or something else related to a movie about the books that is being made. I would have loved to have met him!


Unknown said...

man! that would have been so neat. And, it would have added to our track record of being able to speak with authors. I'm sorry you missed him!

Stephanie said...

Ooh, that would have been so neat! That would have been something to add to our letter to Oprah! :)

Amberly said...

Too cool, Rachel!!