Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Coming Soon to a Blog Near You

Remember the book club book that Becky got at Half Price Books for $1 when we all went there for our meeting? If not, it's called The Book Club Companion: A Comprehensive Guide to the Reading Group Experience by Diana Loevy. I've borrowed it from her to look through (you don't really read it cover to cover like a normal book) and there is some interesting stuff in there.... along with a bit of the ridiculous. Apparently the author has an affinity for pets and includes sections on how to integrate pets into book clubs. Weird. But aside from that, there are fun lists, recipes and ideas. So, I will post some of her material every once in a while for us all to enjoy. We can still pass the book itself around, but this way we can all see it easily...even Amberly! Look for the first post in the next couple of days. I know you can hardly wait! :)


Lindsay said...

OH I think we should integrate pets! How fun! I know Becky would be the first to agree with me. :)

Lindsay said...

Just kidding - in case it was not obvious. :)

Unknown said...

well, we integrated our husbands into book club...that's sort of like pets.

Amberly said...

I am on the edge of my chair waiting... hurry & post an interesting tidbit!