Monday, January 24, 2022

Someday, Someday Maybe

Author: Lauren Graham

One-sentence summary: Franny is living the life of a struggling actor in NYC when she gets a break, but it may be more than she bargained for.

B.A.D. Girls Book Rating: 6

Our favorite thing about it: Somewhat entertaining to read. Not too long.

Our least favorite thing about it: The plot is not great and the writing is so-so.

Main Topics of Discussion: Relationships, Actors, First Jobs, Motives

Our favorite quote: “Once again, I've been thwarted by the massive difference between my vision of the successful me and the me I'm currently stuck with.”

Notes: Overall, this was more of a miss than a hit for us. We didn’t hate it, but it just wasn’t the best story or writing, which made it a little hard to get through. Most of us listened to the audiobook because it was read by Lauren herself. Our main criticism is that the effusive, wordy, actress, Lauren Graham, writes her books that way too, but it doesn’t translate as well on the page as on the screen. And especially without a strong story to support it. Lots of rambling with no purpose. And we are fans of hers, which is why we chose this book.

Memorable Meeting Moments: We discussed this book while in the hot tub on our cruise.

What We Ate: EVERYTHING (seriously)

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